A Tea for Mo’ Zzzzz. The Bedtime Brew For The Sleep of Your Dreams.

Written by: David Rees



Time to read 2 min

With throbbing feet, burning eyes & a shirt damp with traffic-dodging sweat, you finally make it home with an angry Imagination starring your hogtied boss in a windowless room. To make this cosmic evening even better (detect sarcasm) you’re brewing up an urgent call for nature & you pray no F’rs using the bathroom. Today, planet Earth was an eye-watering, balls-deep, no-lube test of endurance, stamina & willpower that will take a coma to sleep off.

However face planting into the mattress to draw this punishing day to a close, you frustratingly still can’t switch off & know that stressing will only make this vicious cycle worse. 

So how does one release the lights-out daily pressure valve, without hitting the biscuit barrel or a yawn-hub tab before bed?


Hold the line soldier, sweeties are not the solution.

Let off some steam, boil the kettle & mix up a midnight mushroom beddy boom knock out that will massage your mind into an astral traveling sedation.

What you'll need:

Boil the kettle

Take a non-caffeinated tea bag (chamomile recommended)

Pour the boiling water into the mug

Stir the tea well & mash the gummies with the spoon to speed up the dissolving

Once the gummies are fully dissolved, get comfy, sip slowly & enjoy warm mellow yellow nectar

Drop the tea bag & 3-5 Shroomstar™ gummies into your favorite bedtime mug

You’ve just made your very first Moon Shroom Zzzz Tea, the elevating, deep sleep relaxation remedy to melt away the day’s residual stress stockpile. Make this tried & tested functional fungi formula part of your nightly bedtime ritual & wave goodbye to addictive prescription sedatives. 

This 100% organic, vegan melted mind-massage will have you dissolving into the kind of sleep you dream about.

Creating a nighttime routine

I know I keep banging on this drum but it’s important to remember to stick at this consistently for the best results. Yes, some people will have ‘overnight success’ (pun intended), but others will need to give it 7-14 days of nightly consumption to feel the magical effects of the functional mushroom formula.

Don’t take my word for it, here’s what some well rested Shroomers are saying:

Dream on, lights off

The power of mushroom tea to relax and improve sleep is no joke. By integrating mushroom tea into your daily evening routine, you can reap the benefits of its natural ingredients & calming effects to de-stress from the day's ball aches & lubricate the mind for a restful night's recharge. As its natural components & soothing effects suggest, many are now turning to this ancient ingredient & modern approach to managing their stress levels, health & wellbeing. Brew up a Moon Shroom Zzzz Tea this evening & slip into a deeper slumber…or don’t & feel cranky, sore, stressed, overwhelmed & exhausted in the morning, your call dude, have fun commuting.

David Rees

Founder, CEO


With a forensic eye for aesthetic detail & Navy SEAL operational discipline, founder, CEO & creative director David Rees drives the strategic business vision of Shroomstar™.